Sunday, November 30, 2008

Oh school, how I wish you would pull me back in...

So recently I haven't been doing too well in school and I really didn't know why until I came to this conclusion, theirs no incentive or anything there to pull me back in, the teachers aren't helping either and I don't feel like what I'm learning is going to help me later in life. I like school is just feels like the same old thing, like we're covering the same old stuff over and over and there really isn't an incentive for me to keep doing better. I could've moved on to college earlier and focused more on what I wanted to do, but I didn't because I didn't know what to do. And am I spelling didn't wrong? It keeps highlighting the word as misspelled, but I'm pretty sure it isn't. or is it? It's driving me nuts!!!

Gears of War 2

So Gears of War 2 just came out and having played through it I would say it's a really great sequel to one of the best shooters in the last few years. This shooter revolutionized the cover system. It's the game that all other games look up to, or copy, the cover system from, but you know imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and it's propelled other good games to being great. This is a great sequel, great graphics, probably the 2nd or 3rd greatest looking game out at the moment and surprisingly their are a few scenes that pull at your heart strings. So I'd give this game a 9.8 out of 10.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Barack Obomba!

So Barack won. Very exciting indeed. This has been the election I've followed the closest ever and I'm very excited at the possibility of change. Hopefully he can bring change to Washington. Barack is going to be our first internet president I believe so thats exciting too. I'll be watching closely.

Video Games are Bad?

Brandon Crisp is a 15 year old teenger who ran away from home after having an argument with his parents over what his parents described as obsessive playing of his Xbox 360. So basically this kid ran away because his Xbox got taken away and he was mad at his parents. Unfortunately his body was found near a police search area about a month later, now the media immediately blamed video games, the media always blames video games after a murder, shooting or anything in the same matter. It has gotten old and it's the medias only scapegoat. That doesn't mean that is this case can be blamed or in other situations, but in this situation bad parenting is mainly to blame in my opinion. RIP.

Little Big Planet

Little Big Planet is a platforming game. You jump, and you gather orbs that break up into points. That's it. Think of it like a Super Mario game, everybody knows Mario except this one is for the modern era and it includes one big feature. Create. What gives this game longetivity is the ability to create levels. Anyway you want. So in theory this game is an unlimited value. It has great music, and your characters are pretty awesome. You can customize them any way you want. I haven't played much of the game, but I would give it a 9.0 out of 10.

Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid 4 is what some people would typically think of if they thought of a modern video game. A gritty, violent shooter. Although what this shooter specializes in is stealth combat, which basically see's you moving through your enemies stealthily without them having to see you or hear you. If they see you then they begin shooting at you until you go back into stealth mode. That doesn't mean there isn't some straight up out in the open shooting. Another thing that seperates this game from other shooters are the cutscenes. A cinematic sequence which helps further the story without giving the player direct control. The cutscenes in this game are up to 1 1/2 hours long. Most game cutscenes are 1, 2, or up to 5 minutes long, but this game really takes it to the extreme. Overall this game is great fun, it has an absolutely crazy, over the top story and the cutscenes are great, but sometimes they do get boring. I would get the games a 9.7 out of 1o.

Video Games are Bad for You

Video Games. Always controversial and fun to some. It's always been accused of being the bane of human productivity, but the industry still keeps growing with 1 day half a million dollar sales eventhough politicians like Hillary Clinton harp on the violence in them. So as to keep this blog decent I'll cover news in the gaming industry, gaming releases, anything gaming related, and other randomness.