Friday, March 6, 2009

Damn Stereotypes

Now I hate stereotypes and grouping people into something they're not, but I think sometimes these things just make sense and apply to a certain people, and being a cashier makes you aware of all of these things since you have to deal with most everyone.

I want to point out that among all the customers that go through my lines there's a large variety of people with varying characteristics in all races, but Indian people tend to have one thing in common, and by Indian I refer to Asians, those who are from the Arab world. Now, not all these people are the same, but pretty common. They're assholes. When they're at my register they frown at you with displeasure and make you feel like a piece of poop and it seems like they're never satisfied. Other people are like this too, but Asians tend to be constantly like this. They just stand there and scowl and make you feel bad and I just try to be the nicest person I can be, but they won't budge. I'm sorry, but this just grinds my gears.

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