Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fallout 3 is an RPG game, a type of game I've never played or touched. They always seemed too complicated with number and lists and just too much care taking of characters. They were always a chore, but something about Fallout 3 struck me as different. The style, set in 2775 in a post apocalyptic world where everything was destroyed with nukes. You roamed the Capital Wasteland of Washington DC and it seemed so cool and it is. It was like everything was stuck in the 50's, the music, the style of clothes, and even the technology reeked of 50's design except that it's advanced for it's time. You roam the capital wasteland killing mutants, doing quests, and mainly looking for your father. I spent 30 hours on it in a week and even then I wasn't bored of it and I can't wait to get back on, so hopefully on this long weekend i can sit down for another 20 hours. I'll give it all my attention.

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