Friday, March 6, 2009

Damn Stereotypes

Now I hate stereotypes and grouping people into something they're not, but I think sometimes these things just make sense and apply to a certain people, and being a cashier makes you aware of all of these things since you have to deal with most everyone.

I want to point out that among all the customers that go through my lines there's a large variety of people with varying characteristics in all races, but Indian people tend to have one thing in common, and by Indian I refer to Asians, those who are from the Arab world. Now, not all these people are the same, but pretty common. They're assholes. When they're at my register they frown at you with displeasure and make you feel like a piece of poop and it seems like they're never satisfied. Other people are like this too, but Asians tend to be constantly like this. They just stand there and scowl and make you feel bad and I just try to be the nicest person I can be, but they won't budge. I'm sorry, but this just grinds my gears.

Not that Evil

Walmart has always gotten a bad rap about what they are; being anti-union and just generally being evil, but as a new associate at their evil empire I honestly don't think they're that evil, or maybe I've been brainwashed into thinking they're good, but who knows.
Compared to my previous job it's light years ahead in treatment, pay, and pretty much everything else except the distance from my house. No one I've met has said that they hate their job and I can see myself being with them for a while until I get my career up and running and making it sort of a back up job, if I ever need one, so we'll see....

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Living Independently

To most people's surprise I live alone due to certain familial circumstances and I always get comments about how lucky I am, but it really isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Well I mean living by myself is AWESOME since I can do whatever I want, but I would certainly choose having a roommate over living by myself any day and which I'll do as soon as the contract is over. Paying bills sucks, it just sucks so hard and whenever you feel your done paying Februaries bills the next round is just sitting there waiting for your hard earned money, so I'll be happy when I finally have someone to split the bills with.

One of the questions I'm asked the most is how do I manage to pay all these bills and to them I say that I sell drugs, make porn, and go to school.

Monday, February 2, 2009


For the longest time I have known to be scared of holes, holes in wall, holes in the ground, holes anywhere, even the hole in the bathtub which I always try to stay on the opposite side of when I'm taking a shower, but one day I was browsing the internets as always and I figured out that there was a word for my phobia. It's Trypophobia! By definition the T word stands for the fear of holes, cracks and/or clusters; An irrational or obsessive fear of holes, cracks and/or clusters, or what might hide inside them.

Now as I read along all the symptoms clicked with me and I looked at the pictures that came along with it. They gave me goosebumps, and other horrible horrible feelings I've never had, but at the same time I had a strange curiosity for coming back to look at them. It's like I'm trying to subject myself to pain willingly. Now I can say I have a phobia. woo! It was pretty hard putting these pictures up to so please enjoy.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Prince of Persia is a great looking game, it has a variety of setting and the dialogue between characters is humorous. Your basically an acrobatic prince who jumps from one place to another with a princess trying to turn the work into good after being taken over by an evil prince. It a great looking game, almost looks like a moving painting and the characters move in such smooth lifelike motion, but it has no challenge. You can't die in the game. There is no challenge at all, if you fall into an endless pit you automatically get saved by the princess and the game doesn't rise in difficulty at all it the same old jump, but in different settings, so in the end I got bored of it and sold it back. The game certainly isn't worth buying, but it maybe deserves a rental.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Oh man what a great movie this is, oh yes, it's like time flew by when I watched it and it was a beauty too. I liked how each scene was setup with a particular feeling. As if every scene had a center piece to focus on, the steamboat, the ballroom, things like that. There isn't much to do then watch it. I would say it was my favourite movie of the year. wooT!


Skipping is dumb. I've learned the hard way that it's not a very smart thing to do as Captain Obvious tells me and I shouldn't have never done it. So now I face the consequences. It sucks, but it's life. Hey! At least it's heart healthy! :D

Fallout 3 is an RPG game, a type of game I've never played or touched. They always seemed too complicated with number and lists and just too much care taking of characters. They were always a chore, but something about Fallout 3 struck me as different. The style, set in 2775 in a post apocalyptic world where everything was destroyed with nukes. You roamed the Capital Wasteland of Washington DC and it seemed so cool and it is. It was like everything was stuck in the 50's, the music, the style of clothes, and even the technology reeked of 50's design except that it's advanced for it's time. You roam the capital wasteland killing mutants, doing quests, and mainly looking for your father. I spent 30 hours on it in a week and even then I wasn't bored of it and I can't wait to get back on, so hopefully on this long weekend i can sit down for another 20 hours. I'll give it all my attention.